
VisionBarcos en venta

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  2. 2021 Vision 444
    2021 Vision 444
    2021 Vision 444
    2021 Vision 444

    Vision 444

    Norfolk, Virginia, Estados Unidos
    €753.172 (Venta pendiente)

    The only pre-owned Vision 444 currently on the market! "Ruby Star" is an exceptional example of the fantastic Vision 444 performance cruising catamaran.  Winner of the Cruising World Magazine Boat of the Year award, the Vision 444 is a stand out of modern multihull design and construction.  The Vision 444 was designed to strike the ideal balance between sailing performance and live aboard comfort.  All sails can be easily handled by one person from the safety on the helm, making it possible to confidently sail shorthanded.  With her 3 cabin / 3 head Owners Version layout, Ruby Star is the perfect world voyaging platform for a couple or family. As hull # 6 off the Vision 444 production line, Ruby Star benefited from all the modifications and tweaks that were incorporated into the design after the earlier hulls had spent some time on the water.  She has been sailed extensively by her original owner who has spared no expense keeping her in bristol condition.  Ruby Star was initially shipped from the factory in South Africa to Florida in early 2022.  Her owners have since spent the past couple seasons cruising the Bahamas and US East Coast.  In that time, Ruby Star has been tweaked and tuned with several modifications to her sailing equipment.  She is in gorgeous condition, totally dialed in, and ready for a world voyage. Ruby Star is exceptionally well equipped.  Several of her equipment highlights include: 2 x 38hp Beta Marine Diesels (1100hrs each) 800ah Victron Lithium House Batty Bank Phasor 8kW Generator (150hrs) 700 Watts Solar 32,000BTU Air Conditioning / Heating Leisure Furl Boom Furling Mainsail Profurl NDE2 Electric Headsail Furler Facnor FXe 7000 Electric Code Sail Furler Oxley Self Stabilizing Symmetrical Spinnaker Samsung Washer / Dryer Full suite of Garmin Navigation Electronics including Radar, AIS, Autopilot, etc   And so much more!  Ruby Star is US Import Duty Paid and available for showings by appointment in Norfolk, VA.  

    Vendedor The Multihull Company
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